
Tools for School

Children need a fresh start each school year, especially this year. For low-income and ALICE™ (Asset Limited, Income Constrained, Employed) families in our community, providing the essential school supplies can be a financial hardship. That’s where United Way comes in! United Way Tools for School is an annual school supply drive that helps ensure these kids receive the tools needed for academic success. PFCU has teamed up with United Way to help provide these resources to our local Morris County community.

Together we can help thousands of local students begin the school year prepared and ready to learn! We will be collecting supplies at all of our branch locations from July 18th through August 18th. Please consider donating the next time you visit your PFCU branch.

New School Supplies Needed


•Binders – 1″ or 1 ½”

•Filler paper

•Spiral notebooks

•Pencils and pens

•Composition notebooks

•Pocket folders

•Colored pencils


•Rulers and scissors



•Hand sanitizer

•Also consider donating one or more gifts cards

Thank you in advance for your support!
