Due to a scheduled systems maintenance on Tuesday, February 25 from 9:30PM to 12:00AM midnight, all PFCU systems will be temporarily offline. This includes phones, ATMs, and online & mobile banking. Please contact us if you have any questions. We thank you for your patience during this time.


Protect Yourself: Phone and Text Message Scam

It has been brought to our attention scammers are calling or text messaging members with the intention of obtaining personal information to commit fraud. These calls and text messages are fraudulent and PFCU is strongly advising not to interact with or respond to any of these messages.

PFCU has not and does not contact members via phone or text message asking for personal information. Furthermore, we will not ask for personal information such as user IDs, passwords, or PIN numbers when contacting members.

Do not ever provide account or card information via phone or text communication, as it poses a security risk to your information.

It should be noted that the incoming/originating number on caller ID or text message can be fabricated to appear as though the call/text is from a legitimate source or to hide the actual number on the screen. Preventative measures remain the same with all similar type scams:

  • If it is a phone call: Verify the source of the call and do not provide any information.
  • Never give out personal information or con­fidential data over the telephone or via a text message.
  • Contact the credit union and/or local law enforcement if such a call or text message is received.

Security is our number one priority. If you feel you’ve been affected by this scam, please contact PFCU immediately. (973) 361-5225

Related resources:


Picatinny Federal Credit Union will NEVER contact you directly (by phone, email, or text) to ask for specific confidential information.


Follow these recommendations to protect your information.


Take these actions immediately, if you suspect fraud.


Members are the First Line of Defense in Reducing Fraud.