
National Homeownership Month

This month is National Homeownership Month! Whether you are a new homeowner or making your final payment on your mortgage, here are a few tips and tricks for you:

1. Create a list to help you stay on top of routine maintenance. Make sure to stay on top of monthly and seasonal maintenance tasks such as checking gutters, replacing your home filter, trimming trees, checking for drafts, etc. This can help extend the life of your home, increase your property’s value, and reduce long-term costs.

2. Create an emergency fund. Establish an account specifically for unexpected repairs, such as a leaky roof or broken appliances. Having this financial buffer will bring you peace of mind and help you manage unforeseen expenses.

3. Consider different home energy improvements. Save money on utility bills by ensuring all air leaks are sealed, programming your thermostat and switching to energy-efficient appliances. These small changes can make a big difference in lowering your energy costs.

4. Create a plan. Create long-term goals for your home such as renovations, landscaping projects or expanding living spaces. Not only will this add value to your home but it will also help you to prioritize and follow a clear plan to achieve your goals

If you’re not a homeowner but are thinking of buying soon check out our HomeAdvantage Program! We will connect you with the perfect realtor and give you access to view homes in your area.
